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GUEST EDITORIAL: Madera Unified Loses Beloved Coach, Mark Lohuis 1956-2021

GUEST EDITORIAL - As if our third disrupted school year is not challenging enough, the universe delivered a powerful blow to Madera South High School and our entire community. Toward the end of the summer, we learned one of our most beloved and trusted teacher-leaders had fallen ill. Many of us tried to follow his progress with worry and prayers. Sunday night, after a valiant battle to return to his wife, grown children, students, and work-family, Mark Lohuis passed on. For those of us who knew him well, the word "mentor" fails to capture what he inspired. Mark was a moral compass in our lives and his sense of professional ethics was powerful and dignified. To many of us, Mark's advice was profound and his loyalty was powerful. 

With all he had to give, Mark LOVED Madera South High School and has been an essential pillar of Stallion Pride since the school's founding. He believed in the underserved and underappreciated who needed us most. Mark believed in students with a fierce relentlessness you only find in screenplays. The difficult students were his specialty and therefore the specialty of the entire Stallion PE department. Mark challenged us to serve them with devotion informed by his deep faith in God. He believed in high expectations, accountability, self-responsibility, compassion, and above all, redemption. Everyone was worth one more effort and one more expression of goodwill. No task, effort, or gesture was beneath him if it lifted up a student or colleague.  

EDITRIAL: Effectively Addressing Communitywide Homelessness

EDITORIAL - The nationwide homeless crisis has existed in Fresno County for many years and only worsened throughout the pandemic. To effectively address homelessness communitywide, both in the metropolitan and rural communities, partnerships between local governments and community-based organizations mustcontinue. Without these partnerships, the political will that galvanized the COVID-19 response and directed our homeless community into housing and support services will fizzle. It was this collaboration and funding alignment that brought over 200 households (or over 400 individuals) into housing within weeks during the pandemic, many for the first time, yet there is much more to be done.

Prior to 2018, homelessness in our community was being managed with resources provided through the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The HUD Continuum of Care Program1provides funding for efforts by nonprofit providers and state and local agencies to quickly rehouse homeless individuals and families. Annually, the Fresno Madera (Continuum of Care) receives about $10 million to maintain and add limited permanent and transitional housing, supportive services, and homelessness prevention. In addition to that funding, the County of Fresno and the City of Fresno receive limited direct funding for homeless-related matters.

Assemblymember Gray’s Statement on Being Stripped of Committee Chairmanship

SACRAMENTO – Assemblymember Adam C. Gray (D-Merced) released the following statement after being stripped of his position as Chair of the Assembly Governmental Organization Committee. “History repeats itself.

“Five years ago, I fought to pass legislation to hold the State Water Board accountable for the devastating economic impacts the state water grab will inflict on the people living in my district and the greater San Joaquin Valley. Despite active opposition from legislative leadership, my bill was approved by a narrow committee vote, and I was summarily removed from my position on the Assembly Water Committee.

Ron Montoya Rants On MUSD Sports - Again

GUEST EDITORIAL - Good morning to you all, can Marty  Bitter's explain the systemic inequalities at Madera South High School.  Unfortunately, the culture of silence continues to exist within Madera Unified School District.  Why didn't Marty Bitters give the MSHS Varsity soccer coach a $100.000.00 raise after winning the state championship?

In speaking with several coaches of color, staff on campus about the elephant in the room staff are reluctant to ask questions and if you do questions miraculously your career will dealt with.  Furthermore, Coaches/Administrators at MSHS continue to enable student athletes to participate in sports who don't meet the GPA requirements, student athletes are not given consequences for tardies, and fractures the relationship with parents who are trying hold their kids accountable.

EDITORIAL: Are State Lockdowns Even Legel?

EDITORIAL - President Donald Trump elicited predictable howls of criticism – from both the left and right -- with a recent claim asserting presidential supremacy over the states and their governors during the COVID-19 crisis. Suddenly, far-left Governors like the radical Andrew Cuomo of New York began positioning themselves as born-again Constitutionalists and advocates of the 10th Amendment.

For the Democrats whose entire political party and political philosophy is based on an all-powerful central government in Washington, D.C. to quickly pirouette into stalwart defenders of states’ rights is astonishing. It is reflective of the Trump Derangement Syndrome in which anything Donald Trump is for, the afflicted must be against, and vice versa.





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