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EDITORIAL: Do We Permit a Virus to Destroy Our Economy

EDITORIAL  -  America is shutting down. Restaurants and bars are closing. Businesses are reducing hours. People are being laid off.  Unemployment may reach Great Depression highs.  Store shelves are empty. People are hoarding. The stock market has collapsed. In the short span of just a few weeks, we have descended from a high-flying economy – the envy of the world – into the abyss. We now have a small taste of what it feels like to live in a socialist nation or how things might look if Bernie Sanders becomes President.


Why has this happened? How could it happen? How could the greatest and strongest republic in the history of the world be brought to its knees by a virus that has so far infected a tiny fraction of the number of people who are sickened by influenza annually? Every year, 50,000 Americans die due to the flu or complications related to it ( especially pneumonia ). That’s almost 4,000 people per week during a typical 13-week flu season. The total number of Americans who have died in the four weeks since COVID-19 became a serious public health issue: about 115 or 29 per week.

EDITORIAL: Madera Mayor Calls On Community to Stand Together

EDITORIAL - My fellow Maderan's. Over the last few days in an attempt to reduce the risk of illness, MUSD decided to close our schools until April 13th, The Governor issued a statement recommending certain closures and today Madera County made an Emergency Declaration all in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The Pandemic should be taken seriously and we should follow the guidelines and rules of the CDC and the Madera Co. Public Health Dept. We must stay ahead of this Virus and learn from those who have experienced much worse results than we have.

EDITORIAL: California's U.S. Attorneys Agree It’s Time for a Permanent Ban on Fentanyl Analogues

EDITORIAL  -  In 2017, almost 50,000 Americans died from opioid overdoses. In California alone, there were 2,428 fatal opioid overdoses in 2018. And it’s getting worse. In San Francisco and Los Angeles counties, for instance, opioid fatalities have increased by 54% and 41%, respectively, since 2016. San Diego County and the Central Valley are also experiencing unprecedented levels of fatal opioid overdoses. This is a crisis, and illicitly produced fentanyl is largely responsible.

To fight this epidemic, law enforcement must have all the necessary tools at their disposal. One such tool is the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) 2018 order making all fentanyl-related drugs illegal in the United States. Unfortunately, that order was temporary and will expire in less than two weeks. The Senate recently passed bipartisan legislation approving a 15-month extension of the temporary order. While this is a step in the right direction, and the House should pass the Senate’s bill, a longer-term solution is needed. We need a permanent ban on all fentanyl-like drugs.

EDITORIAL: Impeachment, The Left's Fall Fantasy

EDITORIAL - As the Democrats’ impeachment fantasy crumbles before our eyes, it is worth examining the actions of recent U.S. Presidents to determine whether Donald Trump’s actions regarding Ukraine genuinely warrant removal from office. President Trump is accused of trying to pressure the new president of Ukraine to conduct political investigations into corruption in exchange for military assistance.

When one looks back at recent American history, President Trump’s actions or non-actions seem almost inconsequential in comparison. Actions of other Presidents involved wholesale violations of the Constitution, military engagements that could have led to nuclear war, numerous undeclared wars and even the seizure of private property.

EDITORIAL: Donald Trump and Endless Wars

EDITORIAL - The foreign policy establishment was understandably enraged when President Trump announced his intentions to withdraw U.S. military forces from Syria. Both late last year and just recently, President Trump expressed a determination to exit the Syrian Civil War. That determination reflected his "America-first" campaign promise to stop the endless wars and senseless foreign adventurism of the Bush, Clinton, and Obama Administrations.

Of course, an "America-first" foreign policy is the antithesis of the globalist foreign policy of the ruling class. The globalists seek to use the U.S. military power to act as a world policeman in advancing their objective of forging a sovereignty-dissolving one-world government.





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