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EDITORIAL: There’s More To Black History Than Slavery

EDITORIAL - Black history month is a time to celebrate Americans whose accomplishments are sometimes overshadowed by the eye-catching negative news stories. It was discomfiting to watch the State of the Union address while black congresspersons churlishly sat with their arms crossed even as President Trump announced that black unemployment was at its lowest recorded rate. This sort of behavior does nothing except promote the notion that rudeness and incivility is accepted congressional protocol.

The employment news could have been a great segue into Black History Month. These “resisters” could have transformed a statistic into an opportunity to let their unquestionably loyal constituents know that ordinary black people can rise to the top. 

EDITORIAL: Walmart Fires Thousands of Sam Club Employees Nationally & Leaves Out Key Facts About So-Called Wage Changes

EDITORIAL - As part of an effort to highlight Walmart’s failure to clarify the nature of its announced wage and benefit changes, Making Change at Walmart (MCAW) released the following fact sheet to ensure that local and national media is accurately stating that these wage and benefit changes do not apply to all employees. In addition, MCAW is also highlighting that these wage and benefit changes are being announced even as Walmart closes 63 Sam’s Club stores, resulting in the loss of an estimated 10,000 jobs for Sam’s Club employees.

“The truth matters, and the American people deserve to know that truth about Walmart’s changes. Walmart’s claim of appreciating and investing in its workers is disingenuous at best, and cruel at worst,” said Randy Parraz, director of Making Change at Walmart.

EDITORIAL: It Is Now 2 Minutes To Midnight: Atomic Scientists Move Clock Ahead 30 Seconds, Closest to Midnight Since 1953

EDITORIAL -   Citing growing nuclear risks and unchecked climate dangers, the iconic Doomsday Clock is now 30 seconds closer to midnight, the closest to the symbolic point of annihilation that the Clock has been since 1953 at the height of the Cold War. The decision announced today to move the Doomsday Clock to two minutes before midnight was made by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists' Science and Security Board in consultation with the Board of Sponsors, which includes 15 Nobel Laureates.

The statement explaining the resetting of the time of the Doomsday Clock notes: "In 2017, world leaders failed to respond effectively to the looming threats of nuclear war and climate change, making the world security situation more dangerous than it was a year ago—and as dangerous as it has been since World War II. The greatest risks last year arose in the nuclear realm. North Korea's nuclear weapons program appeared to make remarkable progress in 2017, increasing risks for itself, other countries in the region, and the United States. Hyperbolic rhetoric and provocative actions on both sides have increased the possibility of nuclear war by accident or miscalculation … On the climate change front, the danger may seem less immediate, but avoiding catastrophic temperature increases in the long run requires urgent attention now … The nations of the world will have to significantly decrease their greenhouse gas emissions to keep climate risks manageable, and so far, the global response has fallen far short of meeting this challenge."

EDITORIAL: Madera Mayor Speaks Out on City Compensation & Truthful Transparency

EDITORIAL - Rather than perpetuating a story in search of a scandal, let's take a moment and discuss employee compensation and of course, look at the facts. I cannot speak to the intent behind the recent editorials in the Madera Tribune, but many people have expressed legitimate concerns regarding employee compensation which lend fair questions.  The public absolutely deserves to know how their money is being spent. Employee compensation is public information that is a part of the policy process and requires review.  Madera's employee compensation information, along with all other California cities, is published and made available to the public every year.

During the recession our city squeezed and stretched every dollar we could; we did more with less and still provided the best service delivery for Madera.  The effects of the recession were devastating to a large number of residents and homeowners in Madera and City Hall was no different.  The City strategically absorbed retirements and open positions and redistributed work amongst remaining employees.  All departments cut their operating budgets and employees took cuts to their compensation.  During this difficult economic time, while other public entities in California were filing for bankruptcy, I am proud to say that the City of Madera had no layoffs to any of its employees and fared much better than most cities around the State.  During the recession, we grew our monetary reserves to insure continuity of the services our citizens expect.

EDITORIAL: These Days Political Difference Rarely Met with Civil Discours

EDITORIAL- Has hate become the response emotion toward everyone we disagree with or those who may be different than us? Unfortunately for many people, the answer is yes.

Political difference is rarely met with civil discourse these days; it is polarized with contempt, name calling, rhetoric, verbal assault, threats and sometimes violence; in elicit attempts to shut up, drive out, and remove opponents. Serious terms are often hurled in an attempt to silence an opponent; racist, sexist, intolerant.





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