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Madera County Supervisor takes water war to D.C.

EDITORIAL - During the annual legislative conference in Washington D.C., Madera County Supervisor David Rogers let lawmakers and supervisors from across the nation know he means business when it comes to fighting for water storage.

“There is no water shortage,” Rogers said when addressing attendees of the National Association of Counties (NACo) this week. “There is a shortage of water storage, and certainly a shortage of common sense water policy.

EDITORIAL: The California Budget: Short-Changing Rural Counties, Again

EDITORIAL - The majority party recently enacted the largest budget in California state history. I truly hoped leadership would craft a fiscally prudent measure, prioritizing money for rural California. Unfortunately, that did not happen. Once again, the urban agenda wins, ignoring the critical issues affecting my rural district. Sacramento has increased spending significantly, and continues to bolster a government unable to address a number of crucial problems our state is facing. Furthermore, the majority party has used the budget process to force through several non-fiscal policies without the public’s ability to provide comment.

Unfortunately, these policies are not for the betterment of California. Many folks from the rural corners of our state have tremendous concerns that should be addressed. One of which is Tree mortality. While rural communities will bear the brunt of this critical issue, the problem as a whole will have a lasting effect on our entire state until we find a solution. There are approximately 102 million dead and dying trees in California, which is an unparalleled disaster facing our forests. Exacerbated by the drought and significant rainfall from last winter, these dead trees littering the forest floor provide the perfect kindling for a catastrophic wildfire - endangering life and property. While it seems difficult to imagine ignoring this frightening reality facing our state, those in charge of funding such matters have seemed to turn a blind eye.

Farinelli's Farewell to Madera County: Why You Should Always Vote in All Elections

EDITORIAL - I am not a politician, I am a public servant. That is why I am writing this warning to those who think it’s acceptable to sit out an election.
For months now I fought a hard campaign against a polished politician that ran an unethical campaign which I refused to partake in.

My opponent’s campaign team, made up of a well-known dirty campaign manager, a media gadfly and muckraker, and unethical family members, ran one of the dirtiest campaigns in Madera County history. This actually backfired on him and his committee.





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