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EDITORIAL: Biden and Trump - Does Age Matter?

EDITORIAL - John F. Kennedy was 43 years old when he was elected to serve as President of the United States in 1960. His age did not hurt him on election day. Barack Obama was 47 years old when he became President of the United States in 2008. His age, skin color, and the limited number of years that he had served in the United States Senate did not hurt him when it came to election day. 

Donald Trump was 70 years old when he was elected in November 2016 as President of the United States. He had never held a public office. He has gone through two divorces and had some ups and downs in his life, which did not prevent him from becoming President of the United States. 

EDITORIAL: How to Avoid the Problems With Police

EDITORIAL - If you have to call 911 in an emergency you are typically glad when a policeman shows up. When someone smashes into your car you are happy for a policeman to show up and cite the driver of the car who smashed you. When someone has wrecked on the highway and the traffic is blocked for miles you are happy for the officer to show up and start the process of the traffic moving again.

Typically, you are glad to see a police car go through your neighborhood indicating the police are present. Often, the presence of the police is a deterrent to a would be criminal. When there is a domestic violence issue, an unruly person at a ballgame or gunshots heard down the street, you are normally glad for an officer to be on the scene to help resolve the problem.

EDITORIAL: George Floyd, Protester Violence - How to Solve All This

EDITORIAL - The death of George Floyd at the hands of police should never have happened.  It was murder and a dark moment in America. The looting, terrorism, and burning of American cities by so-called protesters is criminal and a dark moment in America. The Minneapolis police officers involved in Floyd's death must be held accountable. The criminals involved in wrecking American cities, robbing, and burning businesses must be held accountable. 

Americans have the right to free speech. Free speech does not mean destroying property, hurting police officers, and criminal activities. 

EDITORIAL: Be Part of the Solution, Not the Problem, with Covid-19

EDITORIAL - America is now opening back up. People are starting to venture back to church. Places of work are reopening. Restaurants are reopening. State parks are reopening. The beaches are opening many places. Most Americans are breathing a sigh of relief. Americans are sick and tired of Covid-19. We're tired of hearing about it and we're tired of the repercussions from it.

More Americans now are unemployed since The Great Depression. More unemployment claims have been filed than ever before. Many Americans have filed for unemployment weeks ago and still haven't a penny of money. I continue to hear from people who haven't received a stimulus check. 

EDITORIAL: Covid-19, We'll Find a Way

EDITORIAL - Social distancing is tough for most of us. We love gathering in ballgames, movies, theatres, restaurants, churches, and family.  Seeing our neighbors and friends in the local grocery or chatting at the post office is a normalcy of life, was the normalcy of life.

The new normal is shocking. Now we have to dodge people in the grocery store and be six feet apart in the post office all while wearing a mask. We don't even know if our neighbor is in the grocery store or the post office. We can hardly recognize our neighbors walking by each other in the same subdivision if we are wearing our masks. Masks? Can you believe this?

EDITORIAL: No Easter for America?

EDITORIAL - Easter Sunday can fall on any date between March 22nd and April 25th. The dates change because Easter happens on the Sunday following the Paschal Full Moon. The word Paschal means "Passover" in Greek which is a transliteration of the Hebrew word Pesach. The Paschal Full Moon is the first full moon after the Spring Equinox. This is sometimes referred to as the Egg Moon. This moon sometimes occurs in March and sometimes in April. So, April 12 is not locked in for Easter every year, but it is the date for 2020.

Easter 2020 will be remembered for a very long time as the Sunday America had no Easter. Or, the Easter where churches did not gather in small and large buildings. This is disappointing to multitudes. It is the "one" Sunday that many Americans attend church. Globally, churches pull out all the stops for presenting their best music. Ministers have been working the last several weeks polishing up their sermons.  But it's the same story, the old story that, once a year, people come to hear. 

EDITORIAL: Coronavirus, Taking Life for Granted

EDITORIAL - The Coronavirus is a pandemic that most of us don't understand, but we are learning. This disease has taken over 9,000 lives and made over 220,000 more people sick. We've heard via television about it starting in China and its impact even before arriving in America. 

So far this is what we know about Coronavirus. The disease is life threatening.  If the disease does not kill you, there is a chance you will be very sick with severe respiratory problems. Thousands of respirators are needed across the country because of the nature of the disease.  Who wants to be in an intensive care unit of a hospital on a respirator? 





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