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EDITORIAL: Where the Hell is Madera North? Where the Hell is the Coyote Bear?

EDITORIAL -  Where the hell is Madera North? I don’t know how many times a week I hear a life long resident of Madera refer to this city’s original high school as “North”.

Just this week the secretary for the principal at Madera South, who I think was in the original graduating class at Madera High a hundred and fourteen years ago, referred to MHS as “North”

Where the Hell is Madera North? Where the Hell is the Coyote Bear?

Story Update: The Coyote Bear is Back at Black Bear!

- Where the hell is Madera North? I don’t know how many times a week I hear a life long resident of Madera refer to this city’s original high school as “North”.

Just this week the secretary for the principal at Madera South, who I think was in the original graduating class at Madera High a hundred and fourteen years ago, referred to MHS as “North”

EDITORIAL: An Experience in Poop at Madera Community Hospital

EDITORIAL -   My youngest daughter's doctor needed a “stool” sample that we would have to transport to the Madera Community Hospital’s laboratory within an hour entering the world. I don’t really want to get into the details how we had to get the sample in the cup. I am just happy that it was solid but concerned that it was green. Is that to much information?

Well I hit the road with her sample in hand, well the cup in hand, and made my way to the hospital. I called my ex-wife who took my daughter to the doctor to find out exactly where this cup of green poop had to go.

An Experience in Poop at Madera Community Hospital

Madera -  My youngest daughter’s doctor needed a “stool” sample that we would have to transport to the Madera Community Hospital’s laboratory within an hour entering the world. I don’t really want to get into the details how we had to get the sample in the cup. I am just happy that it was solid but concerned that it was green. Is that to much information?

Well I hit the road with her sample in hand, well the cup in hand, and made my way to the hospital. I called my ex-wife who took my daughter to the doctor to find out exactly where this cup of green poop had to go.

Conflict of Interest in Madera National Little League Photos


- This Saturday my kids are taking their baseball photos for the Madera National Little League. Except this year there is a new photographer with a new contract. That photographer is Gomes Images owned by Billy and Cathy Gomes.

Both of the Gomes are on the board of directors for the Madera National Little League. Only Mr. Gomes was elected by the general population of the league. Mrs. Gomes was appointed weeks after the general election.

One Bad Apple Might Spoil Madera Schools Success

Another Exclusive Big Valley News Editorial

- Madera Unified’s John Adams Elementary School is being led by a "lame duck" principal who was recently reassigned back to the classroom by the school district. Under his leadership the multiple award winning “California Distinguished School” failed to meet its federal goals last year for the first time. One more failure and the school that was once the “Golden Apple” of the district with the highest test scores, will fall into Program Improvement (PI) status and be on probation.

Teacher Work Slow Down: MUTA Needs Leadership Without A Personal Agenda

Another Exclusive Big Valley News Editorial

Madera - On the front page above the fold of Saturday’s Madera Tribune there was a photo of a smiling lady with the headline, “Teachers call for work slow down”. Why is this lady smiling and what is the story behind her smile?
A work slow down will only hurt the students; our children. Grades won’t be recorded in a timely manner. Progress reports won’t get to parents so that a student falling behind can get the help they need. Appropriate time will not be put into the development of lesson plans so that our students get the information they need to learn.

Why is this lady smiling when our children are going to suffer from a work slow down?





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