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Madera County Sheriff Announces San Joaquin River Opening

MADERA COUNTY - Madera County Sheriff Tyson Pogue to lift the closure of the San Joaquin River from Millerton Lake/Friant Dam south along the River to the Merced County Line. Friant Dam has lowered releases below 7,000 Cubic Feet Per Second (CFS) and will be reduced to 4,000 CFS. According to forecasts from the Department of Water Resources (DWR), Friant Dam will likely stay below this number until the end of summer.

Sheriff Pogue and Sheriff Zanoni are lifting the closure with this reduction. This doesn’t mean the river is free from all hazards, nor does it relieve the public of taking responsibility for their own safety while enjoying the recreational activity along the river. Sheriff Pogue cautions, “The river has changed from last year. Sand has been moved, river banks have eroded, and logs and debris are in different locations. These pose potential hazards to the public and our Sheriff’s Deputies, Firefighters, and EMS Providers who would be responsible for any rescue.”
The water temperature is still very cold. As of this week, monitoring stations below Friant Dam are reporting the water temperature is around 54 degrees. Most people begin to lose fine motor skills after being in 54-degree water for 10-15 minutes, then to exhaustion or unconsciousness within an hour.
Madera County has had one drowning at Bass Lake in late April. Many lakes, rivers, and streams are flowing at peak flows and are extremely cold. These increased flows and cold temperatures are extreme hazards that will be with us until late summer.
Those who are coming to Madera County to enjoy its beauty this summer, remember to STOP.

S - Stay Together: Most Search and Rescue emergencies happen when parties split up. Stay with your partners until you return to the trailhead.

T - Turn Around: When you’re out on the trail, ensure you’re eating and drinking regularly, and stop and rest if you feel sick. If you don’t feel better after a rest, it’s time to turn around.

O – Ownership: You are responsible for your own safety, and rescue is never guaranteed.

P – Prepare: Bring the gear you need and know how to use it.





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