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Recall Gavin Newsom Campaign Nears Two Million Signatures

SACRAMENTO  -  Gavin Newsom is one step closer to being removed from office as the Recall Gavin Newsom Campaign nears two million signatures. Mike Netter, of RecallGavin2020.com, announced on Sunday that he, his team, and thousands of volunteers, have gathered 1.95 million signatures (he only needs 1.495 million). That was before the Sacramento Recall rally, sponsored by Joe Collins, on the steps of the State Capitol, where tens of thousands gathered to support the recall effort.

"This recall movement has mobilized democrats, republicans, and independents to band together in a common voice to remove the Governor, that has failed small business and the people of California," said Joe Collins. "Our rally on Sunday proved that the people are behind making a change."

Speaking at the event were citizens impacted by the failed policies of the Governor of California. "What the State of California needs now is leadership and we cannot continue to rely on Governor Newsom to provide his vision of our future," said Angela Marsden of Pineapple Hill Grill and Saloon. "We must stand up for our rights to earn a living."

Many saw the viral video Ms. Marsden released in the wake of the Thanksgiving shutdown that forced her to furlough her employees while a movie company was allowed to cater a meal for 200 people in the very same parking lot deemed unsafe for her restaurant patrons. "Now this selective policy created in the wake of Covid-19 must be challenged and the people that have put their livelihoods on the line must be allowed to feed their families," Joe Collins continued, "It is just that simple. We have the right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness granted to us by God and the Constitution."

The recall is in the final stretch. The signatures are pouring in at a rate of over a hundred thousand a week and the two million marks is just hours away. Once the signatures are verified, the recall will go to the voters and they will decide the fate of Governor Gavin Newsom.

"This is a historic time," said Political Consultant Brittani Daniels, "I am happy to be a part of this exciting time, where Californians exercise their Constitutional Rights."





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