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Swatting Call Lands Fresno Man in Jail

FRESNO COUNTY - Fresno County Sheriff’s deputies have booked 27 year old Jesus Lopez-Zucilla of Fresno into the Fresno County Jail. He faces a misdemeanor charge of making a false emergency report. He is also being held on two unrelated misdemeanor warrants. Zucilla has a total bail amount of $26,200.

Around 11:30 pm on May 18, 2019, dispatchers at the Fresno County Sheriff’s Office received a 911 phone call from a man saying a physical fight had broken out between approximately 20 people at the party he was hosting. The man, later identified as Jesus Zucilla, claimed it was happening in the backyard of his home located on the 5000 block of E. Grant Ave. in Fresno. Zucilla went on to say that one of the people was armed with a large butcher knife and there were children in danger of getting hurt.

Several deputies responded to the house and entered the yard through a side gate. Once inside, they found the situation to be calm with a few people sitting on the patio having a friendly conversation. The group was surprised to see deputies and told them there was never any fight. Deputies checked with people inside the house and got the same story. The homeowner said they had thrown a party earlier in the night, but there were no problems. Deputies showed guests the phone number used to call the dispatcher center and asked if anyone recognized it. One woman realized it belonged to her ex-boyfriend, Jesus Zucilla.

Using investigative tools, deputies were able to trace the phone call to the 3000 block of E. Washington Ave. in Fresno, which was a few miles away. They responded to a home and contacted Zucilla. He denied having any involvement in the Swatting incident. He was taken into custody for his two outstanding warrants and for making a false emergency report.

The term Swatting was coined to describe a prank call that attempts to draw a large police presence to a location where a major emergency is reportedly taking place. Once officers arrive, they find the caller intentionally gave an incorrect address in order to trigger a false response.

The Fresno County Sheriff’s Office takes Swatting incidents very seriously. Fake calls could result in innocent people getting hurt and also tie up valuable resources potentially needed for real emergencies. Deputies will work closely with the Fresno County District Attorney’s Office to see that Swatting suspects are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.





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