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Who is Shooting at Madera County’s Elected Officials? Or is This Just Election Year BS?

MADERA COUNTY – Has someone placed targets on the heads of Madera County elected officials? On March 17th Madera County District Attorney David Linn reported his vehicle being struck by a bullet or a metal object that smashed his window cutting his face just hours after turning over documents to the California Attorney General on the criminal investigation against the Board of Supervisors. Now Madera County Supervisor David Rogers is claiming someone fired six gun shots at his home near Avenue 24 and Road 16 just outside the Chowchilla city limits.

Saturday night a little after 9pm Supervisor David Rogers claims he and his wife were watching television when they heard several gunshots in rapid-fire succession. Rogers told a reporter from the GVWIRE.COM website, “My wife turned off the TV then hit the floor. I immediately went to my gun for protection.”

The story on the “news” website owned by Fresno real estate developer Granville Homes reported that six shell casings were found on the drive way of Roger’s home at 23860 Road 16, however our source within the Madera County Sheriff’s Department stated that only two shell casings were found out on Road 16 some where near the supervisor’s home.

The reporter for the Fresno developer also said Rogers told him that bullets (plural) struck a retaining wall in front of his home. However a commander for the Madera County Sheriff’s Department does not think there was any damage found at Rogers’s home from gunshots.

Commander Tyson Pouge told Big Valley News that a single chip in a concrete retaining wall was found outside the supervisor’s home but that detectives were not sure that was from a bullet impact.

The Madera County Sheriff Jay Varney has made no comments regarding either the alleged attack on District Attorney David Linn or the alleged shooting at David Rogers home. There has been no press release nor press conference. No additional security has been placed on either elected official. If the sheriff is not concerned with these incidents does that mean the sheriff’s department gives no credibility to either of the alleged attacks?

Click for GVWire Story

The official word, "Both of these cases are still under investigation."

Mr. Rogers has not answered any of our questions regarding the alleged shooting nor if he himself owns a .9mm weapon which is the caliber of the shell casings found on the street in front of the Rogers home.






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