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Fresno PD Cracks Down on Pedestrian Law Enforcement

FRESNO - On Wednesday, January 17th, 2018, in response to last year’s 51 traffic related fatalities, 25 of which were pedestrian related, all shifts of the Fresno Police Department's Northwest Policing District focused their efforts on addressing awareness and enforcement of traffic violations committed by pedestrians.

Officers started the operation at 6:00 am on January 17th and ended at 6:00 am this morning. During the operation, Officers made contact with 47 traffic violators including pedestrians who were walking in the roadway causing vehicle traffic to slow or swerve and crossing the roadways against traffic signals. Some committing hazardous violations in motor vehicles and while riding bicycles were also contacted by officers.

Out of the 47 traffic violators contacted, 33 were pedestrians of which 26 of them were issued citations for committing hazardous violations. Seven of the pedestrians were given warnings and made aware of traffic laws regarding pedestrians in the roadway and crosswalks as well of the dangers to them and vehicles.

Out of the 47 traffic violators contacted, 12 were drivers of motor vehicles of which 7 of them were issued citations for committing hazardous violations. Five of the drivers were given warnings and made aware of traffic laws regarding the dangers of committing hazardous violations.

Two were stopped for committing hazardous violations on bicycles. They were also issued citations.

The operation resulted in 35 violators being cited for committing hazardous violations. In addition, during the operation one of the pedestrians contacted had an outstanding felony warrant for robbery and he was arrested. Three misdemeanor warrant arrests were made as well as a suspect arrested for drug possession. Lastly, one of the cars stopped was impounded and the driver was issued a misdemeanor citation.

All of those cited for the Vehicle Code violations were made aware of the laws pertaining to pedestrians in the roadway and other related hazardous traffic violations. The Fresno Police Department is committed to lowering the amount of traffic related fatalities and will continue to educate and enforce pedestrian and vehicle laws throughout the year.

The Fresno Police Department would like to remind the public that Crime Stoppers has enhanced the rewards for information related to gang members who are involved in narcotic sales, firearm possession, and human trafficking.  The new campaign consists of the following monetary rewards for anonymous tips. If a gang member is arrested for possessing a handgun, the reward is $2,000. If a gang member is arrested for possessing an assault rifle, the reward is $3,000. If a gang member is arrested for human trafficking, the reward is $3,000 and if a gang member is involved in drug sales, the reward is $1,000. Anyone with information is urged to call crime stoppers at (559)-498-STOP (7869) with information.  Your information is kept confidential.





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