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EDITORIAL: December - Peace and Good Will

EDITORIAL - December is here and for many Americans that often means craziness. There is so much to do!

Decorating - Do you put lights outside your house? Outside decorating can mean most anything from a wreath on the door to lights hanging from the gutters, covering the bushes and adorning all your outside trees. If you've watched Christmas Vacation and most people have then you know outside decorating can become intense.

EDITORIAL: Sexual Abuse, Even To A Child

EDITORIAL - I was sexually assaulted when I was about twelve years old. Several of us boys from elementary school attended the summer 4-H camp. Overall it was a great time. We had craft classes, volleyball, badminton, good food, dancing at night, vesper services all surrounded by the quiet Appalachian mountains.

One morning a classmate was exclaiming to a couple of us guys that some man had climbed into bed with him. What he was telling us, in a frightened tone, did not sound good to a group of twelve year old ears. I don't know if he talked to anybody else and we went on with the activities of the day.

EDITORIAL: Storm the Gates of Hell For Freedom To Worship

EDITORIAL - "On this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell will not overcome it," Matthew 16:18

Sunday November 5th was a day vomited up from the belly of hell itself. Satan paraded into the wide-open streets of Sutherland Springs, Texas and tried to annihilate a small God loving, Bible preaching church. He literally stormed into that church and tried to obliterate that congregation. In effect that same enemy in so many ways shook his fist and aimed his fiery gun of extinction at your church, your pulpit, your ministry and all you have ever wanted to do and be for Jesus Christ.

In every way that Sunday our enemy wanted to end the existence of that First Baptist Church and the precious people of that church.  However, he was also attempting to end your church. Satan showed his cruelty again. He hates babies, little children and grandmothers. He hates family and preachers of the gospel. He hates the message of the gospel and what Christianity is doing in saving souls and changing people. 

EDITORIAL: Sutherland Springs, Church Is Not Safe Anymore

EDITORIAL - Our hearts go out to the people of Sutherland Springs, Texas. The First Baptist Church of this town and the entire community was ambushed in what resulted as the worst mass shooting in Texas history. Twenty-six people are dead and many others are currently fighting for their lives in intensive care. This is heart crushing for this Texas community and all of America as we must conclude no place is safe in America anymore.

My hometown church in Inez, Kentucky kept the backdoor of the church unlocked during most of my high school years. The church was a place where anyone could enter and pray, and seek refuge from the problems of the world.

EDITORIAL: How to Know If You Are Alive

EDITORIAL - We applaud people who feel like doing something.  In an age where so many people spend so much time sitting or who are doing nothing let's celebrate the people who are doing something. Celebrate their living.

I've always been blessed with energy. Energy is a good asset. As a young adult growing up I wanted to be in the middle of whatever was going on.  I always enjoyed playing sports, swimming in the lake or creek, riding a bicycle for miles or being in the middle of the dance floor. I've always enjoyed movement.





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