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EDITORIAL: Surgery, Thorns and Roses

EDITORIAL - My doctor sent me for a CT scan after I went in to have a couple of lumps in my throat checked out. The lumps were never verified as being anything more than my spit glands. They just felt odd so I wanted them checked out.

The scan revealed I had some nodules in my thyroid. My family doctor sent me to a local endocrinologist who eventually did a fine needle biopsy. The biopsy revealed I had a suspicious nodule. Suspicious means, suspicious of cancer. I got a second opinion and got the same report from another doctor doing the same kind of biopsy. Eventually I had a more extensive biopsy performed which resulted in the same suspicion. The suspicion doesn't confirm anything but is enough to warrant my doctor's recommendation to remove my thyroid.

EDITORIAL: Audio Recordings - Omarosa, President Trump and Billy Graham

EDITORIAL - Perfect people will never work in government. People make promises and look good in television advertisements but people are people and that always means human error.  A good person can easily say the wrong thing at the right time. Often people say things they meant at the time or didn't really mean at the time. People slip up. 

An old preacher used to say that what is in the well will come up in the bucket. This is a true statement. However, if you stir up the well you will create a miry mix that will go away if you let it settle back down. 

EDITORIAL: President Trump - If Hell Freezes Over

EDITORIAL - President Donald Trump came through Evansville, Indiana like a roaring locomotive last week, August 30, to be exact. If he had landed on the platform wearing a Superman outfit and cape I would not have been surprised. To the approximate 15,000 cheering fans he might as well have been Superman, aka, Super President.

I didn't even know The President was coming to Indiana until the day before and figured I would not get inside the gate. I was reading on the Internet that I had to have a ticket and thus filled out the form to receive the electronic text I was supposed to receive. I filled it out a couple of times and even made a donation. I eventually realized that filling out the form was all about getting my information and a donation.

EDITORIAL: John McCain - Chart a New Course

EDITORIAL - I respected Senator John McCain. I loved him as a war hero and a fellow American who served his country in an astounding way. Few people our country will ever accomplish all that McCain accomplished in his life. He served his country in the military, suffered as a prisoner of war and became one of the most respected United States Senators in our nation's history.

He also came to my hometown of Inez, Kentucky when he was campaigning for President in 2008. I am told the one sight he wanted to see up the road in our town of Martin county was the house that President Lyndon B. Johnson visited in 1964. Johnson put our county on the map and one of our families as the "poster child" of American poverty. He and his entourage visited a family with the promise of lifting them and all poor American families out of poverty. The man he visited died about as poor as or poorer than he was the day Johnson visited him.

EDITORIAL: Putin To The White House - Reason Enough

EDITORIAL - The buzz of a possible visit by Russian President, Vladimir Putin has died down. Different reasons have been cited from safety to timing to other things going on right now for President Trump and Putin. I said on more than one occasion when Obama was President that he should invite Putin to the White House for dinner. I also said that about Kim Jong-un. 

Putin nor Jong-un are not beloved by the American people. Americans, or our President are not beloved by the North Koreans or the people of Russia. I don't necessarily know this as gospel fact but I watch the media and read other articles and columns. I suspect it's true. 





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