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What is Judge Wieland's Problem With The United States Marines Corp & Voters Rights?

Another Exclusive Big Valley News Editorial: Monday I was reading the Letters to the Editor section of the Madera Tribune and local judge Charles Wieland decided to write an endorsement of Joseph Soldani for Madera County Superior Court Judge.

I always thought judges tried to avoid local politics and hold themselves to a higher standard by never slinging mud. It surprised me that a sitting judge would write a letter that was so slamming of a man that has only put himself out there to serve his country and community. But what surprised me the most was how something written by that same sitting judge could be so libelous?

First of all the position on Madera County Superior Court Judge is an elected one. I know that sounds strange to the majority of sitting judges in Madera County who were appointed to the bench by a California Governor, but the people have the right to pick who will serve them.

When Brian Austin ran against former Madera County District Attorney Ernie LiCalsi, who the Governator refused to appoint because of his extortion problems, Brian finally put the decision power back into the hands of the people. Why is it Chucky that you have a problem trusting the people of Madera County with choosing their own judges?

Judge Joseph Soldani does not live in Madera. Sure he may rent an apartment or since becoming judge bought a piece of property in Madera County. But his pillow is in Fresno next to his wife’s. Now that might not mean anything to you and it didn’t seem to matter to the governor or the courts but it means something to me. To me it is important that my elected officials live in the area they serve. Brian is from Madera County.

Brian challenged Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger taking away the people’s right to decide who would serve them when Judge Edward Moffat died in 2010. The election process had begun and the incumbent judge died. That election was stolen from the Madera County people in the courts by an action figure.

You ask why Brian wants to run for judge, maybe it’s just to give the people of this county a choice and not have all their decisions made for them in Sacramento. When Madera County Sheriff John Anderson retires later this year and the Madera County Board of Supervisors decide the people don’t have the right to choose his successor, it is the people who lose out.

I thought judges relied on facts. All these “facts” you wrote about in your letter sound like things you may have heard second or third hand. It would be like me reporting that you accepted a discounted price on your house from its builder after you became a judge. Or that when you heard a fellow judge was having an affair, you called his wife and all the other judges were so mad you were exiled to the Bass Lake court.

I know those things are just Madera County urban legends that could never be true. Sort of like the urban legend of the county CEO getting caught in a broom closet with a county supervisor or a DA having a secret girlfriend in the probation department. Whoever would believe any of that probably thinks the old government center was just a Payton Place with very little work getting done.

You know that gets me to thinking, how would you know when Brian is in the Madera County Court House when you are up in mountains four days a week? And how could he be an attorney and passed the bar without first graduating college? Or even why shouldn’t he be proud of his service to his country as a United States Marine for six years and his service to our community as a Madera Police Officer for three years and a deputy sheriff before that?

Chuckles, have you ever picked up a weapon and stood a post? Ever put your life in the hands of another and asked him to put his in yours? Son, we live in a world that has walls. And those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's going to do it? You???......

Hmmm. Sorry just slipped into a little patriotic Marine Corp cheerleading. You see I am proud of anyone that serves our country and puts his life on the line to protect me and my family. Sorry you don’t seem to feel the same.

Now where was I? Oh yea trying to locate where you placed your head and how you always seem to get it stuck up there.

Bottom line Chucky, judges should hold themselves to a higher standard. Keep from slinging mud and stay out of local politics. If you don’t share your opinion outside of the courtroom, you’ll keep those robes clean and your office respected. In this case the words of Abraham Lincoln might do you some good.

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt"

Have a nice day….





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