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Unemployment Drops to its Lowest Level Since the 1960's

NEW YORK -  The headline of today's employment report is the drop in the unemployment rate to 3.7 percent, the lowest rate since December 1969. For close to two-thirds of the US population, this is the lowest unemployment rate in their lifetime.

The tightening of the labor market is leading to a more visible acceleration in wages. In the past four quarters, average hourly earnings increased by 2.8 percent and accelerated to 3.1 percent in the past two quarters. The acceleration in wages is especially visible among blue collar occupations, where it is essentially back to pre-recession rates.

Two Charged with Methamphetamine Distribution Conspiracy, Firearms Violations, and Assault on a Federal Officer

FRESNO -  A federal grand jury returned a six-count indictment today against Ruben Gonzalo Duran-Sanchez, 42, and Daniel Delgado, 27, both Mexican nationals, charging them with conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute methamphetamine and possession of firearms in furtherance of a drug trafficking offense, U.S. Attorney McGregor W. Scott announced. Delgado is also charged with assault on a federal officer.

According to court documents, on September 26, 2018, the defendants were arrested when they went to Shafter to sell 10 pounds of crystal methamphetamine to a confidential source. Sanchez was arrested without incident and was found to possess a stolen and loaded Sig Sauer .380 pistol. Delgado, resisted arrest, and in his attempt to flee, rammed into a California Highway Patrol vehicle and a DEA undercover vehicle injuring an officer.

More Than 187,000 Dreamers Have Renewed DACA Thanks to Court Order Secured by California

SACRAMENTO – California Attorney General Xavier Becerra announced that as a result of the court order secured by California, more than 187,000 Dreamers have been able to renew their deferred action and work authorization under DACA since January. This data was published in the latest quarterly report on DACA renewals, which the federal government is required to file as part of the preliminary injunction that California secured to preserve DACA.

"While the Trump Administration keeps trying to crush our Dreamers’ hope for a better life, we continue to fight to defend their rights,” said Attorney General Becerra. “Our success in the courtroom means our colleagues, classmates, and family members with DACA authorization may live, work and succeed out of the shadows.”

Fresno County Assessor Selected to Recieve a $2.25 Million State Grant

FRESNO - Fresno County Assessor-Recorder Paul Dictos announced yesterday that his office is the recipient of a $2.25 million grant under the newly enacted “State Supplementation for County Assessors’ Program” (SSCAP).  After listening to California Assessors’ cries for help and reading a passionate letter from Assessor Dictos, Governor Brown appropriated $5 million dollars for the next three years- a total of $15 million. Fresno County will receive $750,000 annually for the next three years.

Grant funds will only pay for overtime and much needed extra help in order to alleviate the Assessor’s perennial backlog and help to accelerate, increase, and preserve the county’s flow of property tax revenue.  With an unprecedented boom in construction, this Assessor can use all the help he can get. “Considering recent job cuts suffered by my department, this grant is mana from heaven above”, said Dictos.

.State Attorney Announces Progress in Making Communities Safer Through Project Safe Neighborhoods in Fresno

FRESNO - One year ago, the Department of Justice announced the revitalization and enhancement of Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN), which Attorney General Sessions has made the centerpiece of the Department’s violent crime reduction strategy. PSN is a nationwide initiative that brings together federal, state, and local law enforcement officials, prosecutors, and community leaders to identify the most pressing violent crime problems in a community and develop comprehensive solutions to address them.

The PSN strategy empowers each district to develop targeted, localized violent crime reduction strategies, tailoring solutions to each individual community. PSN has been proven to reduce violent crime since it was launched in 2001, and the revitalized version has been enhanced with new technologies and a redoubling of efforts to strengthen partnerships with local communities.





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