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FoodLink of Tulare County to Hold Annual Food Day Event on October 28th

EXETER - Every October, Americans will attend thousands of events across the country to celebrate Food Day – an event that celebrates real food, and creates a movement towards improved food systems and policies.  FoodLink for Tulare County will be hosting their Annual Food Day Event on October 28, 2017, at 611 2nd St., Exeter, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. – a free community event.

Opening remarks by California State Assemblyman, Devon Mathis, will commence at 10 a.m., followed by cooking demonstrations at 10:30 a.m., 11:15 a.m., and noon. “A local chef will be demonstrating how to make soup, waffles, and gnocchi, using a wide variety of ingredients,” Nicole Celaya, Community Food Security and System Development Director, said.  “All the food and activities are free to the community.”

Fresno's Fulton Street is Open For Business: The Six Block Mega-Party

FRESNO – Fulton Street is open for business. This was the message from Fresno Mayor Lee Brand during Saturday's mega multi-block party celebrating the reopening of the street. The six block stretch of Fulton Street between Tuolumne and Inyo streets in the center of Downtown Fresno had been closed off to traffic since 1964 with the creation of the area once known as the jewel of the city, Fresno's Fulton Mall. Saturday the street was reopened to traffic and the area reopened to business.

Saturday's party included indoor and outdoor art galore; an abundance of pop-up shops and craft fairs; food trucks, bars, and coffee shops; beer and wine gardens; food sampling from local restaurants; three stages of live music; a parade of classic cars; and even California’s first indoor ninja-themed restaurant and throwing-star range, there was enough distinctive fun on the schedule to awaken even the most jaded Fresnan’s sense of wonderment and possibility.

Napa Valley Winemakers Optimistic as Famed Wine Region Begins to Recover

NAPA - Despite Mother Nature challenging Napa, Sonoma, Mendocino, Solano and Lake Counties in unimaginable ways, the tragic wildfires of the past 10 days have demonstrated the spirit of strength and resilience of these communities. Across the North Coast region, more than 40 lives were lost, thousands of homes and businesses were destroyed and the natural landscape of the area’s forests and hillsides will take years to recover.

In spite of this devastating human toll, reports of wine industry damage in the Napa Valley do not appear to be widespread. As of today, the Napa Valley Vintners (NVV) nonprofit association has heard from 330 of its member wineries. Direct damage from the fires was reported by 47 member wineries and just a handful experienced significant property loss.

Fresno County District Attorney's Office Awarded Special DUI Prosecution Grant

FRESNO - Those arrested for DUI in Fresno County, especially repeat offenders and those involved in fatal or injury crashes, can expect to face a highly trained, specialized prosecutor, funded by a $382,711 grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS). The grant to the Fresno County District Attorney’s Office will fund a Vertical Prosecution team that will work cases from arrest through conviction and sentencing.

The Fresno County District Attorney’s Office will use these OTS funds to continue the fight to make the streets of our county safer by prosecuting drunk and drugged drivers. In 2014, there were 50 deaths and 528 serious injuries as a result of DUI crashes in Fresno County. In the past year under the 2016-2017 OTS grant, the District Attorney’s vertical prosecution team filed 111 felony cases of driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs. The office as a whole filed 4,346 DUI felony and misdemeanor cases.

Governor Brown for Signing Bill to Keep Californians’ Data Out of Federal Muslim Registry

SACRAMENTO - This week California Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 31, the California Religious Freedom Act, a bill introduced by Senator Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens) to ensure the state of California never participates in a federal Muslim registry. The bill also bars localities from creating their own versions of registries, such as the "Muslim mapping" plan the Los Angeles Police Department attempted to carry out in 2007. 

In response to the bill’s signing, Peter Bibring, Police Practices Director with the American Civil Liberties Union of California, had this to say, “We are grateful to Governor Brown for signing the California Religious Freedom Act and heeding the voices of millions of Californians who have called for protections from anti-Muslim bigotry. 





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