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EDITORIAL: California's U.S. Attorneys Agree It’s Time for a Permanent Ban on Fentanyl Analogues

EDITORIAL  -  In 2017, almost 50,000 Americans died from opioid overdoses. In California alone, there were 2,428 fatal opioid overdoses in 2018. And it’s getting worse. In San Francisco and Los Angeles counties, for instance, opioid fatalities have increased by 54% and 41%, respectively, since 2016. San Diego County and the Central Valley are also experiencing unprecedented levels of fatal opioid overdoses. This is a crisis, and illicitly produced fentanyl is largely responsible.

To fight this epidemic, law enforcement must have all the necessary tools at their disposal. One such tool is the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) 2018 order making all fentanyl-related drugs illegal in the United States. Unfortunately, that order was temporary and will expire in less than two weeks. The Senate recently passed bipartisan legislation approving a 15-month extension of the temporary order. While this is a step in the right direction, and the House should pass the Senate’s bill, a longer-term solution is needed. We need a permanent ban on all fentanyl-like drugs.

EDITORIAL: Impeachment, The Left's Fall Fantasy

EDITORIAL - As the Democrats’ impeachment fantasy crumbles before our eyes, it is worth examining the actions of recent U.S. Presidents to determine whether Donald Trump’s actions regarding Ukraine genuinely warrant removal from office. President Trump is accused of trying to pressure the new president of Ukraine to conduct political investigations into corruption in exchange for military assistance.

When one looks back at recent American history, President Trump’s actions or non-actions seem almost inconsequential in comparison. Actions of other Presidents involved wholesale violations of the Constitution, military engagements that could have led to nuclear war, numerous undeclared wars and even the seizure of private property.

EDITORIAL: Donald Trump and Endless Wars

EDITORIAL - The foreign policy establishment was understandably enraged when President Trump announced his intentions to withdraw U.S. military forces from Syria. Both late last year and just recently, President Trump expressed a determination to exit the Syrian Civil War. That determination reflected his "America-first" campaign promise to stop the endless wars and senseless foreign adventurism of the Bush, Clinton, and Obama Administrations.

Of course, an "America-first" foreign policy is the antithesis of the globalist foreign policy of the ruling class. The globalists seek to use the U.S. military power to act as a world policeman in advancing their objective of forging a sovereignty-dissolving one-world government.

EDITORIAL: TRUMP - Existential Threat to New World Order

EDITORIAL - The ongoing attacks by the political establishment on President Donald Trump –which began even before he was elected – are without parallel in history. The savagery, frenzy, and outright hysteria displayed by the President’s enemies within the Democrat Party, the media, and the various power centers of the globalist elites have no prior precedent.

This President has been spied on, lied about, made the subject of phony foreign dossiers, insulted, ridiculed, scorned, mocked and threatened. We have witnessed Hollyweird celebrities advocate for blowing up the White House, demand the President be beaten, jailed or even assassinated, and his children tortured and sexually abused.

EDITORIAL: Mass Shootings Sign of Societal Collapse?

EDITORIAL - The tragic surge of mass shootings across America is neither the result of presidential rhetoric nor the result of lax gun laws. The Columbine massacre occurred on Bill Clinton’s watch when the assault gun ban was in effect. Sandy Hook happened during the Obama Presidency.

No, the continuing explosion in violence in America—which includes the daily killing of innocents in large, Democrat-run cities like Chicago – is a consequence of the progressive abandonment of religious values and moral principles that are leading to societal collapse on a level not seen since the fall of the Roman Empire. These values and principles, rooted in Biblical law and Christianity for more than 2000 years, dictated a respect for the dignity of human life which has all but disintegrated throughout the Western World over the last half-century.

EDITORIAL: Madera County Grand Jury Report Comes Up Short on the City

EDITORIAL -  I was disappointed after reading the Madera County Grand Jury (MCGJ) Final Report  (1819-04) - The City of Madera: Veiled Transparency 2018-2019 published on June 28, 2019.  First, let me state that the task of the MCGJ is an ominous one and the job, especially in this case, was a major undertaking. I certainly appreciate the time, volunteerism and hard work members dedicated to this endeavor.   I have known some of these individuals since childhood and I appreciate them as dedicated citizens and good, honest neighbors. Therefore, it is with regret that I find myself criticizing the final report.     

Let me be clear, the City of Madera’s interim leadership apparently delaying and/or stone-walling the MCGJ on requested documents is not acceptable.    Nor does it shine a positive light on the City that it does not have an established, written Code of Ethics for Council Members, Commissioners, and Management staff.  Finally,  it appears that in the past the City has been inconsistent in applying its own guidelines concerning conflicts of interests and elected officials engaging in commerce with the City.

EDITORIAL: NO on Riversand Park Multifamily Complex on Westberry Blvd & Fairview Way

GUEST EDITORIAL - The fight has just begun between Home Ranch and the Cotton Wood Estates VS Berry Construction and The City of Madera over the Riversand Park Multifamily Complex on Westberry Blvd & Fairview Way.

The City sent out a notice the 1st of June only to neighbors who lived within 300 feet of said property that they want to Re-Zone from R1 Single-Family to Multifamily Apartments/Medium Density, for a Planning Commission meeting that was supposed to take place on June 11th, it seems like they were planning to rush this through, thank god the word spread and we were able to get that meeting canceled. The City rescheduled two meetings, a Neighborhood meeting on July 16th and a City of Madera Planning Commission Meeting on August 13th.





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