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EDITORIAL: Madera High Coach Questions Parents Loyality - What a Boner of a Move?

MADERA - What does Madera High School varsity football coach Bonner Cunnings do when he hears bad news? The same thing the administration of the school has done for the last five years....shoot the messenger.

Last year Big Valley News wrote a series of stories on former head coach Scott McKinney's final year with the football program. The year started with a  scrimmage which degenerated into a riot involving recent Madera High players and possibly current players. Questions stand to this day about the participants because the administration refused to share the game video of the melee claiming it was classified as 'student records'.

Madera High Coach Questions Parents Loyality - What a Boner of a Move?


- What does Madera High School varsity football coach Bonner Cunnings do when he hears bad news? The same thing the administration of the school has done for the last five years....shoot the messenger.

Last year Big Valley News wrote a series of stories on former head coach Scott McKinney's final year with the football program. The year started with a  scrimmage which degenerated into a riot involving recent Madera High players and possibly current players. Questions stand to this day about the participants because the administration refused to share the game video of the melee claiming it was classified as 'student records'.

EDITORIAL: Farinelli on High Speed Rail Lawsuit

Today is a sad day for Madera County Taxpayers. Madera County, along with our friends from the Madera Farm Bureau and Preserve Our Heritage vowed, just a few short months ago, to stand up to the goliath California High Speed Rail Authority and hold them accountable for the destruction they will do to our community and their failure to consider the future of Madera County. 

Today, three of my colleagues, whom I respect, abandon our friends by walking away from a lawsuit that sought to protect taxpayers, farmers and our children from the devastating effects of High Speed Rail. I want to thank Supervisor David Rogers for joining me in opposing the withdrawal and his willingness to stand up, even in the face of adversity.

Would Dean & Don's Breakfast Club Survive in Today's Fresno Radio Market?

FRESNO -  Would the Fresno radio market support a show like the Breakfast Club? Not the movie staring Molly Ringwald, but the morning radio show that ran on KKDJ from 1981 to 1993 staring Don Fischer and Dean Opperman. Has the Fresno radio market become far too conservative that it would no longer welcome a locally produced radio show with satire that might not fall in line with the messages of Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity
Sunday on Facebook, Opperman posted a story he wrote for a newspaper about the old show. A few hours later he received a responds from his old boss Al Smith. With the permission of Mr. Opperman, we have reposted Smith's comment and Opperman's responds.

EDITORIAL: Where is the American Flag at the New McDonald's?

EDITORIAL - Well it is back after an absence of three months and everyone on Madera's west-side couldn't be happier. I am of course speaking of McDonald's on Howard Road. Driving by the new building that houses the Big Mac, Quarter Pounder with Cheese and of course the Chicken McNuggets, the lines in the new double menu drive through are always packed and the restaurant looks busy.

I had hoped that the industry leader in good food made fast would have found away to make the Big Mac's and McMuffin's coexist in their restaurant for breakfast but this did not happen. How about figuring out how to melt a piece of cheese before I am given my sandwich. I mean how hard is it to melt cheese?





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