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Me n Ed's - Ranch Dressingis a Condiment

RESTAURANT REVIEW - Me n Ed's Pizza is probably the best example of California brick oven pizza on the West Coast. The toppings are fresh and the dough passes the ultimate test, it is still great the next day cold. The problem isn't with the pizza, the service or even the restaurant but something that I hope doesn't become a trend; charging for ranch dressing.

When Me n Ed's changed their pricing, they began charging for jalapeños and ranch dressing. Before, they would load a bag up with more than you could use. Now if you want the little bag of goodies it will cost you a quarter per one ounce cup.

Superior Dairy - Great Ice Cream Bad Service

RESTAURANT REVIEW - Ok first of all the ice cream is great with very large portions. My problem was with the service and the rude little high school girl that was our waitress. I have wanted to take the family to Hanford via train for a long time and when we got into town we went right to the park.

The kids rode the horses a couple times then we headed over to Superior Dairy for the ice cream. We wanted to order the big $10 behemoth but didn't want sherbet ice cream. I asked for chocolate .to which I was told that was against the rules. I told the waitress to charge me for the chocolate and she refused to take the order.

Full o Bull - Great Sandwich

RESTAURANT REVIEW - Full o Bull is now under new management. This is a good thing. The old owner was a friend but in my opinion tried to be too many things. He had hot dogs, fried food, ice cream, sandwiches, coffee drinks. I was wondering when pizza was going to be added.

The new owners have scaled back the menu, got rid of the ice cream and increased the portions in the sandwiches. I like the BBQ steak with everything on it. Over the years the sandwich got smaller and the price got larger. When the new owners came in the meat portions went back to the days of the first owner.

Perkos Farm Fresh - Madera's Best Coffee Shop

RESTAURANT REVIEW - This place just remodeled and it looks great. The new menu is awesome. I wish they would bring the KIDS EAT FREE days back but I am sure they need to pay for the remodeling. I love the HAYSTACK burger with Swish cheese.

When you get off of Highway 99 at Cleavland Avenue look for the Red Barn. I think the new look of this place is going to make it a Madera landmark. Before the place looked like every other coffee shop up and down the freeway. Now it really stands out.


The comics from many of the Internets best cartoonists. You won't find these cartoons in the traditional print newspapers only here on the Internet. Click on any of these fine cartoons to access the artists websites.

Sonic Drive In - Hit & Miss on Customer Service

RESTAURANT REVIEW - I was so excited when Sonic Drive In was coming to Madera. On several cross country motorcycle rides I've eaten at them all over the mid-west. My favorite was across the street from Harry Truman's Farm outside of Kansas City.

When this one opened in Madera they started with a half price night while they worked out the bugs. Four years later they still haven't worked out the bugs. I don't know if it is lack of training or if their menu is too complicated for graduates of Madera Unified.

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